Monday, April 07, 2008

The girl I once was

We have a 8x10 of this bridal picture on our wall in our bedroom. It was actually taken 5 years ago this week. I’ve been looking at it a lot lately thinking about the girl I was in that picture. Like every engaged girl ,I was excited to be married and live happily ever after. I told everyone how wonderful and perfect Steve was and how lucky I was to be marrying him. They told me “just give it a few months and you won’t think he’s so perfect anymore”. I imagined us and our 6 children and how wonderful everything would be. I knew we would have trials, but I had no idea just how difficult they would be. In a way, I look at that picture and think “naïve”. I had no idea what I was really getting myself into and what kind of trials I would have. I thought that Steve was wonderful and perfect, but I had no idea just how wonderful and perfect he really was. Oh, and all those people who said thatI would find out otherwise after a few months or a year were WRONG! I had no idea that he would be there for me and risk flunking out of dental school because he is such a great husband and father. I had no idea that he would hold my hair out of my face as I vomited and love me even when I have been too weak to shower for 6 days and had not done my hair, makeup, and had the worst case of vomit-breath ever.
Having been married to Steve for nearly 5 years now, I have no doubt in my mind that I did marry the best man out there and that we will be happy together no matter what comes our way. The girl in the bridal picture was very naive, but also very lucky.


megan said...

You guys are so sweet! Both pictures are beautiful (and handsome)! :) Once again, I'm so happy for you that you are feeling better!

Debbie said...

You did marry a great guy, but I'm partial! He married a great girl though too! I hear through the grapevine your eating! Hooray! Looking forward to seeing you guys in a few days!

Ali said...

You are so sweet! You look beautiful (and still do of course!). Congrats on 5 years!

Amanda said...

isn't it funny how being married for a while changes things. I have been married for almost 7 years in may. When I look at my wedding pictures I think the same things! It is amazing how you have this thought on how life should be. When I think about what we have been through, I would have never planned it that way, but I would not have changed it for the world!

Being married has it's up's and downs, but it is ALL worth it!

Don't you just love being married to a great guy!!!? I know I do!

Ashley said...

Props to Steve. I think we have all had a chance to see how wonderful he is through all of this and it's official: Steve rocks.