Sunday, March 22, 2009

Revolutionary products

Today as I put on my Shade shirt it thought to myself, "man, Shade shirts are revolutionary! I feel bad for people who have not discovered them yet." I also recently discovered E.L.F. Cosmetics online. For us poor living-off-loans people, $1 each for cosmetics is pretty good (although I'm not that big a fan of their eyeshadows).Then I get to wondering what products are out there that are "Revolutionary" that I have not discovered. So, I ask you fellow bloggers: What products are you enjoying that I have not yet discovered? Give me your wisdom.


laura said...

i am going to post an entire entry in response to your question! i've thought about doing it for a long time...

Amanda said...

Check out the Johnson and Johnson Buddies soap- It's a new blog of mine- let me know what you think.

Gramps said...

Suzuki ATVs. Highly recommended.