Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Groneman Family Races

The first annual Groneman Family Races were held this past weekend while visiting my family in Utah.
They consisted of all sorts of ways of racing across my sister's lawn: running backwards, skipping, partner runs, etc..
Tons of fun was to be had by both old and young alike. Even my little developmentally delayed nephew loved it (pictured to the left winning the race with Brett). What a great family activity.


Gramps said...

Ready~ Steady~ GO!

Nebraska Nelsons said...

Glad you had fun! Can't wait to race and party next week with everyone! Marielle

Lindy said...

Okay Cambrie...enough talk about how big you've gotten lately, because you look great in these photos, and that was yesterday.

I have a feeling that in 10 years these races will be taken a lot more seriously. What a good tradition.

Erica said...

I still laugh out loud when I think of Emmy's and Lydia's faces for the shoulder race! Hahaha!