Saturday, January 15, 2011

Beach on a January evening

January 11

Who would have known that you could enjoy an evening at the beach in January?  I've been to the beach in July when the water has been so cold that I couldn't get in past my knees.  No such thing today.  We went on a Yacht ride in the morning and then spontaneously decided to stop by the beach.  The water was plenty warm and we wished we had brought swimming suits!  We had a blast.


Gramps said...

Oh...that video is hilarious! She tells Steve that the waves hit her in the head then promptly uses his hand for a towel....then later on her legs. It had me laughing. Thanks for sharing.

Marilyn said...

GREAT for a chuckle! Don't feel bad Steve, it was a year ago that I was at the beach with Buff and your little family if you recall, and I was sitting in the little chair, and Lydia came and was pulling me by the hand to get up...I kept asking her what she wanted, and she kept pulling. So I got up, and she sat in my chair.
I get no respect! But at least she uses you too :)

Malesa said...

First of all, that B&W picture of you and the girls is ADORABLE. You should frame it. Secondly, I am soooo jealous. I really wish I could be living in Cali right now.