Saturday, November 08, 2008


7 random facts about me:

1. I'm the only person that I know who has 2 belly buttons. I've had 2 for 5 months now.

2. My dad worked for the CIA while I was growing up....but now that I told you I'll have to kill you.

3. I graduated a year early from highschool and regret it.

4. When I was 18 I spent 3 months volunteering in orphanages with this group. It was an amazing experince.. I honestly think that every 18 year old in the USA should have to spend a few months in a 3rd world country.

5. We don't get TV in our household. And I don't want to ever get TV. Everyone needs some sort of rest/relaxation time--I use blogging as my non-productive time.

6. I'm starting school again online in January. I have 2 more classes to get my BA in nursing. I don't actually plan on ever working again as a nurse (I'll probably work in my husband's dental office), but I figure it wise to get my degree just in case.

7. I think I'm a bit of a germ-freak. I'm not as bad as some people I know, but I'm definately worse than most. I hate my kids being sick!

If you have the desire to be tagged, then pretend like I tagged you and go ahead and list 7 random things about yourself on your blog.

1 comment:

reddladybug said...

Hey, girl!

I found you through Malesa's blog. Looks like you're doing well!