I think everyone has a dream house. I don’t want a big fancy house on the hill (like the one pictured) but I do want a few random luxuries. Maybe someday.....
Large backyard for sports with automatic sprinklers.
Artificial turf or desert landscaping in front (low maintainace)
Fruit trees
Small garden 15 ftx15ft
Preferably in neighborhood with large mature trees
Inside (general house)
Blinds and windows that automatically open and shut when programmed.
Laundry shoot from upstairs hallway to downstairs laundry room.
Very large kitchen /living area that is out of sight from someone standing in the front doorway.
SMALL “hometeacher room”
Basement storage with storage room for food
Large island in the kitchen with 6 barstools so we can eat our meals there most of the time.
WEST facing house
Double padding under a shaggy soft carpet in the family room (perfect for laying on the floor)
Low maintenance tile and Formica throughout the house (NOT a solid color).
An intercom system so that nobody has to yell in order to find someone.
Double sinks in master bathroom.
An unusual amount of storage space in the kitchen as well as built-in shelving/drawers in all bedrooms/office.
Tons of storage space in bathrooms
Pantry off of kitchen
On of those over-island-pan-hangy things in the kitchen
A drinking fountain with a stepping stool for little people : )
A gas fireplace/stove in the family room
A large walk in closet between the master bedroom and master bathroom
2 car garage with finished attic for storage space
Ceiling fans in all rooms
Wow! You definitely know what you want. That's awesome! Your house sounds amazing! And with a rich husband (I'm still talking about Steve) you'll probably get it! I hope you do.
One question though, what exactly is a "hometeacher room?" Is that a Utah thing?
Instead of a laundry shoot, why not just have the laundry room upstairs.
you said "a few things"...?
I love thinking about my 'dream' house too. I should write a list-- in the meantime, I will use your's
Love it!
Nowadays, when I've been dreaming of a future home, I fantasize about things like a dishwasher, a washer and dryer in the home, a laundry room where I can put our dirty clothes instead of having a laundry "corner" in our room, a garage, a yard, a tree, a garden, lots of closets, a toilet that works, our own master bedroom.
I think I need to live again in the real world before we go buy our first home so that I can get what I want instead of just running out and buying the first home we see just because it is a real house.
A "home teacher room" is that fancy room you have right as you enter the house that nobody ever uses. It is necessary so that random people who come to the door don't have to walk right into the family room and see the array of toys/diapers and the messy sink full of dishes; but this room is pretty much only used by home teachers and for formal visitors (any real friends would come back and just be engulfed in the mess that is so frequently there).
I'm with Rachel. I think you'll want a laundry room on the main level instead of downstairs when you get old.
I dream big but when it comes down to it, all I want is one of those wall urinal things for my boys...I know I only have one potty trained boy but really, cleaning Brock's bathroom more than once a week is getting really, really old.
Sounds good. I'd love to design my own home one day. I'd never leave and I would ENJOY cleaning it. Why not take that house on the hill?
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