Friday, July 09, 2010

Mothering Goals

Someone this week gave me a compliment on being a good mom. It got me thinking about how all is not how it appears to others.

I'll admit that I do some mothering things well: I'm good with nap schedules, balenced meals, spending scheduled time playing with and teaching my children academic things. We do family prayer most of the time and I read them scripture stories every time I give them a morning snack (which is only about 3 out of 7 days or so--I could do better there).

But today I was thinking about the home in which I am employed as an RN for a medically-needy baby. The caregiver of my little patient does not do any of those things that I listed above that I "do well", however, she does 2 things well that I realize that I fail at:
1. She makes my little patient giggle every day.
2. She spends non-scheduled non-productive just-plain-old-quality-1-on-1 time with my little patient every day.

I realize this about myself: I'm way too type-A personality. I have to have a list of goals and every minute of my day must fit into meeting those goals. So I spend my scheduled 10 minutes of play with Kiera (trying to squeeze in academic moments)and then move on to the laundry or the dishes. I know, it is ridiculous. I'm hoping that by admitting this fault I'll be more aware and try to relax a bit and just enjoy my darling little girls.

I have great childhood memories of saturday mornings in my parents bed with my siblings. Not doing anything productive: just spending time together. Also, I would lay on my mom's lap on the couch and my mom would stroke my hair and we would talk. Productive? Not officially. Only productive for relationship-building.

Goals: 1. Spend non-scheduled non-productive time with my girls (and Steve) every day.
2. Do something to make them giggle every day.

I realize that the track I'm going on right now I'm more like a personal-trainer than a mother. Time to change.


Stevo said...

You need a vacation from so much structure--I agree:)

Gramps said...

You are a good mom...better than most from what I see. I remember all the kids gathered in the bed on a Saturday or Sunday morning as well. It was lots of fun. I think your "plan" of some structured and some unstructured is a good one. I *think* that's how your mom did it. I was too busy workin', playin', etc. to pay much attention. I was vaguely aware of some short people around the house that made me laugh and were fun to play with from time to time. Wonder where they came from?.......

Heidi said...

Sometimes I wish there were a couple more hours in the day. I admire your organizational skills. It's something I really haven't been good at. And yes, you are a fantastic mom!

Erica said...

I have seen your girls laugh with you, so I think you're already doing great. :)

Debbie said...

Wise article!