Sunday, April 20, 2008

Yesterday I pulled a tomato out of the fridge to chop it up. Kiera saw it at immediately utilized one of the 6 words that she knows: "Ball!" She wanted to hold it (wow...a new red ball..thanks mom!) but then I took it away and proceeded to start chopping. She was distraught that I was ruining the red ball so I tried to get her to eat it. I'm not 100% sure, but I think she liked it. Tomatoes are tasty Kiera, don't let your daddy tell you otherwise!


Nebraska Nelsons said...

Cute! It was so fun to see Kiera in Nauvoo, and (even though they don't interact much) see Damon with her as cousins. Damon loves seeing anything we are doing in the kitchen and often wants to throw anything ballish. Fun story! Hey Happy Birthday Cambrie! Marielle

Amanda said...

I'm not a big fan of tomatoes. High five Steve!

kiera is so cute! I love her hair!

Karly :] said...

No no steve is right, tomatoes are gross

snlbarney said...

Cute post:) How was the Crepe party? Wich we were there... heard it was tastefully awesome!!