What's the dill?
For the past 2 nights getting Kiera to eat dinner has been a struggle. We eat as a family and I try to give her options of things to eat that I think she will like. She is a strange little lady though and won't eat things that a person would think she would love (fries, fruits, waffles, PB&J sandwiches), 2 nights ago she refused to everything but was flipping out trying to get to something on the table. Finally we figured out what she wanted: carrots. The problem: she only has 5 teeth. But then we figured out that it wasn't the carrots she wanted, but the dill dip that we were dipping them in. So, that is basically what she had for dinner: the dill dip she sucked of the carrots. Then, last night we had bbq hamburgers and fries along with fruit. She wanted nothing to do with any of them. Steve put a dill pickle in her mouth to see what she would do. She LOVED it at proceeded to eat pickles for dinner. Hmmm.... dill dip and then dill pickles. Maybe I'll sprinkle dill on all of her food.
She comes by it honestly. I was a pickle lover growing up. Must be a Nelson trait. Blame Steve. So how about you...any strange cravings beside feeding tube formula??
Love the title
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