Thursday, January 07, 2010

Warning: survival mode only

It is good to be home again. I'm so grateful that I was able to get the help that I needed so quickly this time. Loma Linda hospital is WONDERFUL.

Although I feel a lot better than before, I still am mildly nauseated. I have a feeding tube that runs 24/7 and I have a PICC line (and IV) so I can hydrated myself with a bag of fluids every night. so my 2 problems now are:
1. I'm WEAK. (Laying in a hospital bed starving probably contributed)
2. I'm hypersalivating. This is something I do every pregnancy for a month or 2. The trouble is that I can't swallow it or I vomit, and if I spit much of it out I get very dehydrated (I'm dependent on only 1 bag of IV fluids to hydrate me per day) so I am left with trying to hold large amounts of saliva in my mouth (I know-- gross!). This makes communication very difficult especially with my little ladies who don't understand my sign language. It is frustrating, but this too will pass. Anyway, if somebody out there wants to communicate with me, do me a favor and email instead of calling : )

My mom is here helping out until I get stronger and more able to manage life. My little girls seem to be handling everything ok since Steve was home for most of the time I was in the hospital (good planning on our part). I am on "survival mode only" though. You won't be seeing any cute hairdos on my girls any time soon, if you come to my house you are likely to find a disaster area. Anything that I can let slide...I will. One day at a time.


Malesa said...

I'm glad that you are home and that things are for the most part, running how you planned them. So nice that you can have the same doctors helping you out on this one.
I think you are more than entitled to let everything slide in your house. You are amazing.

Chad said...

Dont worry about letting things slide. Your job at this point is to be healthy the best you can and get baby Nelson here safe and sound.

Ra... Ra... Ra, Ra, Ra!
(That's me cheering for you).

Drew Nelson said...

We're just glad you're finally home!!! I promise no one cares how your house looks or how cute your girls look, we're all concerned about YOU! I'm pretty sure there's a "No Judging Allowed Rule" when you're sick. It's one of those non-written rules. :)

Drew Nelson said...

Sorry, I didn't know i was signed in as Drew. It's me Erika.

Ali said...

What? No cute hair-do's? Just kidding. Glad it is getting under control. You are in my prayers. I know how rough it is and wish I was closer to help. Take care. I know you will. Thanks for the updates.


Gramps said...

Thanks for the update. You know how I'm feeling about it. I love you greatly.

Ashley said...

Glad you are home. Sorry about the spit. Please use the co op!

laura said...

love you cambrie. you are one of the toughest i know.

Cassie said...

Cambrie, you are an incredible women! What you go through to get your sweet babies is unbelievable! You truly are amazing!