Yesterday while I was at work Steve was taking loads of our stuff to our new house in a borrowed SUV. To complicate things a bit he had both of our kiddlets with him at the time. The new place is on a pretty busy road. Imagine him trying to haul stuff into the house and the girls running outside the open door of the house trying to be helpful (carrying 1 bottle of shampoo at a time). Steve was trying to work and corral 2 toddlers away from the road at the same time. One of our new neighbors came out and talked to him for a few minutes. In parting he said "Well, let me know if you need any help" and went inside. Steve could see him watching TV through the window.
I hope I have never done that. I'm making it my new goal to not ever do that.
About a 10 of my friends here in Loma Linda have had babies lately. Timing could not be worse for me since I'm working full-time, planning a surrogacy (which is VERY time consuming), and currently moving. I would love to be able to help them out but I can't really right now. But once this busy spell in my life is over I intend on getting back to my regular way of being there for my friends when they need help.....and not just offering help "if you need anything" and then walking away.
Ya know, whenever someone says "call me if you need help" or even if they say "can I help you?" the answer is more than likely "we're fine, thanks anyway". The people that do it right are the people that observe what needs to be done and just start helping. I'm not like that yet...I should be.
Hello there! I saw your posting on the surro site and decided to check out your blog. Your family is ADORABLE! I would love to talk to you about what you are looking for and am ghlad to tell you that my husband and I are LDS as well. Here is my email:
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