Today Steve had the biggest test of his life: passing the dental test of his wife under the drill. I was nervous, but Steve actually did a good job drilling my superficial cavity. No pain. Oh, and I have to say that he did a FABULOUS job at cleaning my teeth. No, seriously-- I've never come away from a dental chair with noticeably different looking teeth. He is awesome.

Trying not to be nervous about him drilling holes in my face.

Lovely view I know. Steve's perspective.

My perspective

My sister-in-law Erika who is finishing dental hygeine school this month came by to say hi. She's all smiles in the picture but just minutes there after she also fell victim to Steve's drill after a spontaneous decision to take out her wisdom teeth since Steve's next patient didn't show up. Now THAT is bravery!

Steve had to go back to the school to pick something up so he took the girls with him. Lydia always has to take her backpack to school.

Exploring Steve's chair

This is a count-down chain K&L made of how many more days until dental school graduation. Almost there!!!

up and down and up and down...
soooo close! You are an incredible wife to support an incredible husband!
HORRAY! I love going to the dentist! Mostly b/c when i was a kid i had great dentists just like I'm SURE steve will be b/c of his personality. Great job Nelson family!!!!
You're brave Cambrie. If he would have slipped, so much for that marriage. Wisdom teeth out on spur of the moment? Now THAT is brave (yes, even braver than you Cambrie).
Go Steve go! Cambrie told me about the whatever machine you did her teeth cleaning with...vibrating all that plaque out of there! Sounds a lot better than the scratching/abusing the gums technique!
Out of the blue wisdom tooth removal? Ouch.
Looks like Steve has quite a set of equipment there. But the space does seem cramped. Has he moved to a bigger space or a room? It is harder to control sanitation in an open area like that, as compared to a closed room. At least all you have to worry then are the things inside your room. :)
Hey! Relatable! My best friend is also dentist Redondo Beach. I have been his friend for many years now and my first appointment with him was some what like yours only. A little scared at the beginning but completely happy and satisfied later on. Trust is so important. Wonderful experience it would have been.
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