Sunday, June 01, 2008

Curls and little girls

6pm yesterday:
Steve: Cambrie have you been wearing those shorts all day?
Cambrie: yes. Why?
Steve: Um.. nice behind.

Good thing the only places I went yesterday were Dennys (where I fit right in with the crowd) and to my friend Lindsey's house (and it must not have been that obvious because she is a good enough friend she would have said something). Looks like I'm going shopping for new maternity shorts!

I discovered yesterday much to my delight that Kiera's hair has alot of natural curl (I always wanted curly hair). Isn't it cute?

Yesterday I also bought come cute flower hair clips and a little tu-tu for Kiera from my friend Lindsey who makes them and sells them (check out her website here:)


Nebraska Nelsons said...

Darling tutu and curls! Gotta love the worn out maternity clothes, I have to say that is one thing I don't like to spend money on because I know I won't use them long. Oh well, such is life as a mother! marielle

Burnhams said...

the link dosent work...

Cambrienelson said...

the link is now fixed

Amanda said...

now that is funny! haha! I guess you have an excuse to go shopping!!!

I love Kiera's tutu! How fun!!! Her hair is so cute too!

AshleyS said...

lindsey's tutus are SO cute! love it!

Ali said...

the tutu is darling and I love that red shirt. Did you make it? Where'd you get it? love it with the tutu. how cute. girls are so fun!