Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Nelson baby is scheduled to be induced Wednesday August 27th (if of course I don't pop before then).


laura said...

Congratulations Cambrie! I just found your blog! I'm so glad that everything is going so well for you and that we'll be in touch bit more (after you recover from childbirth.) Love you!

Johanson family said...

Weeehooo! That's always an exciting thing to know especially at the end! Good luck with everything! I look forward to seeing pictures of your new little one!

Malesa said...

Good luck Cambrie! Take care of my little Cambrie-head cousin and that sweet peanut baby!

anderson.fam said...

Yeah for induction! Good Luck with that!
Any names yet? I struggle with girls' names.

Gramps said...

Here's some names to choose from: Gertrude, Rapunzel, Brunhilda, Grezelda, Mahana, Lemminkainen or of course good old family names like Oral, Melba, Zola, Orilla.

Nebraska Nelsons said...

Wow! Go girl1 That has to be such a relief! Good luck! Marielle

Amanda said...

How exciting!!!!!! Good luck! I can't wait to see pictures!

Lindsey said...

GOOD LUCK! We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and waiting to hear how it all goes. :)