Sunday, January 04, 2009

Somethin's gotta give.....

Next week I will be starting school again online through BYU idaho to finish my BSN in nursing. No, I don't have extra time on my hands-- in fact, I still don't know just how I'm going to be able to achieve it since I'm going to be taking the BEASTLY critical care class with nasty nasty papers and 60 hours of required clinical time.
Basically, something else in life has got to give. So here are some the things I'm going to do to make room for my schooling--

1. No long distance running-- I'll stick with 2-3 miles only.
2. I'm no longer in charge of my local babysitting co-op. I handed the responsibility back over to my friend.
3. I can't blog as much. I have a new goal of only blogging once a week (sundays).
4. No entertaining this semester. I LOVE having people over and hosting huge events. I'll have to wait till the semester is over to take it up again. (I'm doing a very simple baby shower this weekend, but that's it).

The crazy thing about all this is that I never PLAN on using my nursing degree again. But you never know....


laura said...

I think it's awesome and wise. It also demonstrates that iron will of yours. i think you're one of the most determined people i know.

Melissa said...

Good for you! Good luck. If you need a babysitter I'm usually available!

Debbie said...

Good luck! I'm totally there with you. It's tough with kids! Hats off to you!

Nebraska Nelsons said...

Go girl! It is good to do a little for yourself while giving so much to your children!