Sunday, February 07, 2010

Wants now vs. Want the most

This has become the new theme of my life lately: Don't let what you want now get in the way of what you want the most.

That said, we've been pinching pennies lately and plan on doing so for a while. Here are some ways I've found to cut some expenses:

#1: Food storage. We are using it and it is saving us $. Last week I decided to do an experiment and I made powdered-milk chocolate milk and gave it too my family without telling them what it was. All 3 of them drank it without hesitation. In fact, Lydia (18 months) thus far has NEVER drank any milk product in a sippy cup (she spits it out if she discovers milk in a sippy). But she drank the powdered milk just fine and even objected when I took it away! I think we are going to try drinking half regular milk and half powdered milk and see how it goes. Without the chocolate it isn't as drinkable though.
I've also been cooking a lot with my powdered milk, eggs and butter. This is EASY and you really can't taste a difference in baked goods.
Dry beans is also a recent discovery. Cheap, nutritious, not hard to cook if you have a pressure cooker.

#2: My new beautician: Steve. I wanted to eliminate the $18 I had to spend on hair cuts every 6 weeks since it is a non-mandatory expense. I've been cutting Kiera's hair for a while so I decided to teach Steve (on Kiera) how to cut hair.
I'd say he did a fairly good job for a first timer. Yes, it has room for improvement, but it was FREE and I think he'll do better next time.

It is amazing how many ways you can find to cut expenses if you try and it is also amazing to see how much you really didn't need those things you are missing out on in the first place.


Marilyn said...


Malesa said...

I think your haircut looks great! Good job Steve. You could open a Salon/Dental office

Heidi said...

Maybe Steve can cut my hair too? I think if I let Tye cut my hair he would just get out the buzzers.
We got rid of our cable last year for this same reason. It was the only thing that wasn't neccessary that we were spending money on. And Tye and my kids are somehow surviving!

The Brain said...

A powdered milk that is actually good is "Morning Moo Milk" from Walton Feed Inc. You would have to find someone that does frequent orders because the shipping is cheaper if there is a big group. But the milk is good.

Gramps said...

Yo Stevo...if that whole dentist thing doesn't work out you can always be a hair stylist.

Chad said...

What powdered milk are you using? Last I checked, powdered milk was more expensive than the liquid stuff.

Christa said...

Cute hair! And where did your Groneman chin go? I'll totally start drinking powdered milk if it will get rid mine!

Christina, knick name Bina said...

Your hair looks so good, sculpting teeth maybe helps with the hair sculpting? You are the best budgeter--I need to hire you to teach me how to manage money.

Marilyn said...

Chad in California the milk costs more than twice as much as you can buy it for here.

Robb, Rhonda and girls said...

Great ideas. Please keep sharing, I need to save $ too.