Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Goodbye Disneyland

My season pass to Disneyland expires next week and Steve's is the week afterwards. Both of our season passes were gifts (from 2 different people) and we've had a blast. But honestly, I'm sort of glad that we're done-- it takes a lot of work to get 2 little ladies and all of their stuff to and from Disneyland once every 2 weeks! I think I've also been on teacups one to many times. Kiera's pass doesn't end until november so maybe we'll just drop her off at the gate.....

This is Kiera's rediculous hair-do, which was my attempt to get her tall enough for Soarin' Over California. Too bad the disneyland worker pushed her hair down. I was sorely disappointed-- I really wanted her to go on it! She wore huge shoes and huge ugly hair at disneyland and it did us no good!


Gramps said...

Your cute little ladies are so photogenic! I love the pictures.

Marilyn said...

Love the pictures! Yes, the year we had Lagoon passes and went 8 times in 3 months was tiresome for me to. Except I was taking 5 kids! I haven't had the need to go since then!

Heidi said...

It's always hard when yearly passes expire! I remember when our Aquarium of the Pacific pass expired, we were pretty sad. But we always find other things to do. I think our kids just enjoy being with mom and dad, no matter where we go...park, picnic, hike,...whatever.

Porter's said...

oh man, that's the worst when the passes expire! that was a tough one for me :) Ya, i wanted taylor to go on some rides too but it never worked out too. he was actually tall enough for the matterhorn but we figured it out too late. did keira ever go on that?

Stevo said...

Kiera would cry every time getting on the Matterhorn and loved it seconds after the ride was over--that's our Kiera!

LyndiLou said...

Ohhh Cambrie... you are SOOO cute!!! Big hair!!! Ha ha ha!!! Too funny!!!

Malesa said...

You take great pictures. Your girls really are quite photogenic