Thursday, January 24, 2008

After a week in the hospital, Cambrie's Ready for any Visitors

If any of you have the time and wanted to stop by to see how she's doing, Cambrie's at the Loma Linda Medical Center (Main Hospital), 3rd floor in the Labor and Delivery unit, room 3108. You can visit from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. It's dificult for her to talk a lot with a tube down her throat, but she'd love visitors. She has her cell phone too.


Melissa said...

So is she eating any real food or is she just getting it through the tube? Is she doing any better?

Stevo said...

She can only eat through the tube. If ANYTHING goes down to her stomach, she'll just puke it back up. Since the tube has been put in, she hasn't vomited yet so that's a full day now of no subject around the dinner table, I know.

Amanda said...

Ok, I love the office. Nice picture. I love how they had the sponsered rabies awareness walk/run. WOW! good times!

How long will she be in the hospital? I'm sure she is glad to have the tube. Does it make her gag? When will they change it to her abdomen?

Good luck cambrie!

Debbie said...

Hey Steve, this is Richard. Fantastic blogging on your part. Very masculine indeed. Just giving you a shout out your not alone in the blogging world, not that I blog but I do read Debbie's every so often. I love the anatomical nasal feeding tube diagram. Is it a dobbhoff? Good luck to Cambrie. It must be difficult! Nausea is the sickness I loath the most.

Stevo said...

Gracias mi amigo mio. Yo estaba escribiendo solo a las mujeres y por un momento, senti tal como sentia cuando asistia la universidad (antes de casarme por supesto). Siga bloguiando