Friday, January 18, 2008

'nother Update

Thursday was a breakthrough for Cambrie! She drank a cup of apple juice! That's pretty awesome since she wasn't able to eat or drink anything since Sunday. She's been hospitalized since Thursday at the LLU hospital (labor and delivery unit--go figure) where they're trying to control her levels of nausea, vomiting, and weakness. No word yet on when she's coming home, but she just called me (in tears) saying how elated she was that she downed a couple of noodles. It sounds odd to say but this pregnancy is going so much better than the first thus far and we're really optimistic that Cambrie will improve.

Thanks all for being willing to help out. Cambrie's sister will be here Saturday and Tuesday to watch Kiera, but we still might need some help watching Kiera during the day even if Cambrie's home from the hospital. We'll keep you updated. Thank you so much for all your help so far.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Good luck! I hope she can get out soon!!!!