Monday, January 07, 2008

Goodbye D'Anthony

News on D'Anthony: He will be leaving us this week to go and live with an aunt. We are glad that he will be able to stay with family (and his aunt has her act together so he should be safe). Having him around was a good learning experience for us, and I'm sure it helped Kiera's social skills.
Life if going to seem easy once he is gone that's for sure!
Poor little Kiera is loosing her daddy and D'Anthony as playmates this week (Daddy had to go back to school today). Now she's stuck with just boring-old-mom. Life goes on......


snlbarney said...

We must blog at the same time, as you posted at 2:13, and I am reading to at 2:30 - great minds:) I will miss D'Anthony too, he is such a sweet little boy and has taught me that there is happiness to be found in all situations - good or bad. I'll miss you D'Anthony!!

Amanda said...

Oh, I'm sure you have mixed feelings. How long was he with you? What a good family you were to him.

Good luck in school Steve!

megan said...

Oh! That's crazy he's going! I'm glad that he's going somewhere safe though with family! We'll miss you D'Anthony!

Andy & Jen said...

I admire you so much for taking care of D'Anthony, you are amazing! You need to run with us Saturday...we miss you!