She's still in the hospital, but the doctors elected to give her a nasal feeding tube that bypasses her stomach and goes straight to her small intestines. If that works, they might surgically connect a feeding tube from her abdominal region instead of through her nose.
It sure makes it difficult to give her a good-bye kiss but I think she'd rather be nourished instead.
ok, GAG!!!! I can't imagine. I hope your babies realize what their mom goes through to get them here!!!! WOW!!!!
Zofran worked like a charm for my sister. But, it is very spendy stuff.
I hope you have good insurance!
Good luck!
When does she come home?
WAHOO! That is great news. I sure hope she is feeling better. I am sorry that I could not watch Kiera on Monday- I know the Relief Society has it taken care of this week, but let me know if there are any holes and I would love to fill them. Hopefully she is feeling better now that she'll get some nutrients.
Yea! I am glad she's getting some nourishment. Sorry about those goodbye kisses!
Is her sister still here? I would be happy to watch Kiera whenever...my kids are still a little sick, though...but any time!!! I will call later if I don't here from you. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Not too change the subject or anything but I think your music player is broken...all I hear is twang!
Debbie-I agree but Cambrie created the site and I'm being a supportive husband
Amanda- Zofran is the greatest drug since sliced bread. It's controlled her vomiting but our insurance isn't going to pay for it after she leaves the hospital because it is too costly.
Ashley and Ali-Hope your families are cured from their ailments. Thanks for being willing to help out. We WILL keep you posted if/when we need help. You guys are great!
...Are there any guys I can write to? This kind of feels one sided:)
We wish our best...and I just have one more thing to add since you were asking if there is any men you can talk too..I don't know of many who blog but what I can say is you are really great at answering back to your post that is awesome keep it up!
Yes, Steve, great job on the updates! well done! Someday, your baby will look back and read all about what you guys went through. Way to keep up on the journal!
Zofran is spendy stuff!!!!! When I worked on patient accounts at a hospital it was like $45.00/dose. It worked good for me and I know it worked great for my sister. Most insurances won't pay for it because there are alternatives, but the alternatives make you sleepy.
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